Friday, 7 November 2008

What If?

What if we never had that fight and you lost your trust in me?
What if I told you:
that you should wait
that I loved you
that you're an asshole?
What if I went with you in the car?
What if I gave up?

My life is filled with "what if's": I am the Traveler who took the Road Not Taken, the Astronaut who missed the moon and landed among the stars, the Man who threw stones from his Glass House.

And here I am: too stupid to stop asking "what if", too smart to never look back.

That...has made all the difference?

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Red v. Blue

They're red. I'm blue.
We're divided, can't mix to purple.

The conversation goes and goes. But they won't look at it from my side; they're too hung up in a world of FOX propaganda and ignorance.

I clench my fists, trying to prevent myself from screaming.

It's time for college.