Sunday 8 July 2007

A Bit 'O Grass Stains

Does not a ruined pair of jeans make.

Setting:Hollywood Bowl
Cast: Band of Horses, Andrew Bird, the Decemberists, my sister, my mom, 13,847 people, and me.

We finally arrive after lots and lots of traffic. I thought I bought really crappy seats but they were actually really decent.

It started with Band of Horses. Then Andrew Bird played. He was amazing, but kept twitching cuz he had uber amounts of energy. I thought he would explode and I was like "you can't die! you're too amazing!". My sister fell in love with him.

After Andrew Bird, my sister and I went to buy shirts and as I am walking I run into the singer to Band of Horses! But I didn't want to be lame and ask for a picture so I just kept walking nonchalantly.

Then the moment 13,800 people were waiting for: the decemberists with the LA philharmonic! It was a spectacle. Colin Meloy had so much energy and his guitar broke so the roadie was fixing it and he ran around the stage.

Pictures tomorrow.

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