Friday, 17 August 2007


This summer, was very static for me. No cultural epiphanies. No spiritual gains. Just a blank period of time. However, there was one thing that made my summer have a twinkle. That, my friends, is "Homecoming" by the Teenagers. I honestly don't know where to start. OK, lets begin with the video. The video gives off a "Virgin Suicides"-esque feel that was sponsored by what seems like American Apparel. In my opinion, the video hits that teenage feel right on target- with the fluffy rooms, the girls jumping on the beds and enjoying a pillow fight. It is practically MTV ready. Now to the song-the intro hooked me in somehow. The drunken down tempo which is slightly generic is given a distinguished feel. I even have an appreciation to the lyrics which so the point of view to both characters- and shows what the average teenage boy and girl are like. Thank you, the Teenagers.

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