Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Have you fed the fish?

Today was not a good day. The phrase "not a good day" is actually an understatement. I have never truly felt so unhappy in one day. By third period, I just wanted to leave. Who was I kidding? It felt as if every person in the human population jabbed a knife into my kidney and left me for dead. When I ponder-it was mainly academic factors of why I hated today but still. In English, my teacher made a comment on my vocabulary which I found to be extremely harsh. Like, I have a decent vocabulary; and I am part of the anomaly of people who actually use SAT words in my mundane conversations. Then in Calc, I got a 78 percent on a test that I studied for four hours on. So I basically was kicked in the balls, and once it started to be relieved, someone else kicked me in the balls. Fifth period slightly took away my problems, but not completely. But still, that comment made me feel fucking humiliated. And how can she say I need help on vocabulary when I sit next to the kid who starts sentences on essays with "In conclusion," or the one across the room who doesn't even have subject-verb agreement down. Maybe I am in denial, but even so: three-quarters of the population could not tell you when to use his or her versus their. It is more necessary in life to no things such as when something is singular or plural, right? I don't know. Ugh.

1 comment:

Marcus said...

I hated that in high school, too.

You have to love the blatant refusal to acknowledge the difference between "your" and "you're. Don't forget about "there", "their", and "they're".