Let me tell you about the clusterfuck that was Saturday.
Well, I had PLANNED my Saturday to go as so: do errands, watch movies, work on Calc packet. But no, this is what happens:
I first had to go to the car wash. So, I head out around noon and they rape me of my car and I am already anxious (I was a car was virgin). So while I wait I take an APUSH practice test. Everything is going to plan. Oh, but HARK! I as I drive I notice something isn't quite right with my car. I pull over, and notice my antenna is completely off. So I am like WTF!!!
I don't want to deal with it at this particular time, so I head to the library and renew some RP books. After, I headed over to my dad and he is like "TEACH THAT SONUVABITCH A LESSON!" So I head back, the guy says he'll fix it. Everything is cool.
My dad orders the antenna, forces me to go to the Shop and fix it. So I do this and when he finishes I go to the car wash and give the manager the receipt.
Apparently that is not how it works.
So I basically had to pull reverse psychology: I said I would just pay for the damages. The guy felt bad and said that I needed to "take a stand for what's right". So he eventually gave me the dough. I get my car. The fucking end.
That was six hours I will never get back.