Monday, 24 March 2008


Every time you take a picture of me, I lose a part of my soul.

Fuck that.
Fuck you.

I don't need that.  Never did.  I like not knowing what I am; ignorance is Bliss.
awareness is Discomfiting.  

Saturday, 22 March 2008

The Pub

It never ends.

The editors bitch about the staffers.  But the editors are just the same.  No one is willing to work but they can all find scapegoats.

"I have spasms when I type."
"She never turned anything in."
"He uses exclamation points."

Everything is contradictory.  Everything is a mess.  And worst of all, there is no Excuse.

oh God, when do things go uphill again?

Tuesday, 18 March 2008


I paid the money.  There's no turning back.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

TV on the Radio

I have this love/hate relationship with TV on the Radio.  I cannot stand them because from interviews, etc they seem like the most pretentious assholes on the planet.  However, when you get passed their "we are too cool for mainstream shit" attitude, you see the glory that is TV on the Radio.  Their music is what I consider flawless: a powerful guitar riff that is both danceable and vengeful, a soulful voice of the frontman, and hella great lyrics.  They excel in accuracy and catchiness.  If I hear "Wolf Like Me" on Monday, I am singing it 'till Friday.  To be honest, they have the right to be assholes.  They fucking rock.

"Staring at the Sun"

"Wolf Like Me"

Sunday, 9 March 2008

Soap, books, and motors.

Let me tell you about the clusterfuck that was Saturday.

Well, I had PLANNED my Saturday to go as so: do errands, watch movies, work on Calc packet.  But no, this is what happens:

I first had to go to the car wash.  So, I head out around noon and they rape me of my car and I am already anxious (I was a car was virgin).  So while I wait I take an APUSH practice test.  Everything is going to plan.  Oh, but HARK!  I as I drive I notice something isn't quite right with my car.  I pull over, and notice my antenna is completely off.  So I am like WTF!!!

I don't want to deal with it at this particular time, so I head to the library and renew some RP books.  After, I headed over to my dad and he is like "TEACH THAT SONUVABITCH A LESSON!"  So I head back, the guy says he'll fix it.  Everything is cool.


My dad orders the antenna, forces me to go to the Shop and fix it.  So I do this and when he finishes I go to the car wash and give the manager the receipt.

Apparently that is not how it works.

So I basically had to pull reverse psychology: I said I would just pay for the damages.  The guy felt bad and said that I needed to "take a stand for what's right".  So he eventually gave me the dough.  I get my car.  The fucking end.

That was six hours I will never get back. 

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Anarchy in the M.E.S.

Give me a mohawk and the Communist Manifesto: I'm going punk rock.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Human Drama is Inevitable

I blacked out.

There were no words.  No worries.  No wonders.

Static.  the Greatest noise to enter my ears.

I came back.  History.

There were words.  Worries.  Wars.

Nothingness is too perfect.  Chaos is too real.
real Always wins...

Monday, 3 March 2008

The Nose

I sniff on consistent 5 second intervals.

sniff, sniff, SNEEZE!

I hate my nose: the enormous, villainous monster.