Tuesday, 6 May 2008

"The Real World"

You sit in the corner of the room leaned back in your leather chair, sipping your pretentious, corporate coffee.

"I don't think you will be able to handle it...Let this be a lesson for the real world."

What the fuck is this "real world" you know of?
Raised in Orange. Schooled at UCLA. Taught at Walnut.

You couldn't be farther from real.

Why do you belittle your students. We aren't that fucking naive. We know that life isn't easy and all that shit. Stop shoving it down our throats.

And anyways, why couldn't I handle it? They don't just give this to anyone. And how do you fucking know? You know nothing about me. Yes, I am a shy white boy in your English class...but I am a complete opposite everywhere else.

I go 50mph in residential areas.
I listen to rap.
I ran a marathon.

Do you know that? How can you judge?

So please; when you are sipping your coffee, shopping online at H&M, reading crap like Eckhart Tolle remember this: you do not know everything. And if I asked for your guidance, I would have. So why don't you get a life and stop prying in to my life, my problems?

1 comment:

Angela said...

Marathon, really? You're so cool. And you know, she just says things sometimes. It's not so much judgment as it is...impulsive comment.