Friday, 29 June 2007

The Secret Machines

Way, way back in a year 2004, a band known as The Secret Machines released an album called "Now Here is Nowhere". Although when I first heard this album I thought it was crap, I have come to realize that they were one of the most underrated and neglected "upcoming" bands of the 2000's. With my favorite song, "Nowhere Again", the song tells the story of the post-9/11 twentysomethings and how the love and peace their parents were taught were completely lost when singer Brandon Curtis opens with the lines "Cellophane flowers never happened for me/I've been sleeping the day off". The entire song keeps you interested and ends in such a grandiose manner with the drums,keyboards, and guitar. Even the video is great eye candy, the lyrics are flashed in braille in the background.


Chelsea said...

It's nice to see the Secret Machines get some recognition. They are truly underrated. Have you heard Ten Silver Drops? Or, more importantly, did you know that Ben left the band?

Michael said...

haha they are really underrated! i haven't listen to all of Ten Silver Drops yet but what I liked what I was hearing. And I heard about Ben! That was really shocking.