Sunday 29 April 2007

Little Children

I feel pathetic when a 7th grader gets double the comments on myspace than I get. Than again I pity people who get double the comments on myspace than I get. And it disturbs me when I see their names and it's things like "Victoria is SOOOO much sexier than Emily"and are flashing gang signs and slutting it up at Medieval Times. Were we this naive in middle school? Probably.

I also saw a sixth grader walking home from school talking on a RAZR.

I didn't have a phone until eighth grade. And Saturday I just got a new phone that is RAZR-like.

This weekend I have been listening to a lot of Pink Floyd. Weird.

"How I wish, how I wish you were here, We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year"

Me gusta!

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